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MotherhoodPregnancySymptoms of early ivf pregnancy: Check for Usual Pregnancy Symptoms

Symptoms of early ivf pregnancy: Check for Usual Pregnancy Symptoms

Symptoms of early ivf pregnancy, or in vitro fertilization, are no different from normal early pregnancy symptoms. However, ivf pregnancy is the process by which a fertilized egg is surgically implanted into the uterus, and it is not a natural means of making you pregnant. How does in vitro fertilization occur? It occurs when a sperm and egg are manually combined in a laboratory dish, then if an embryo develops, it is physically placed in your uterus. The chances of success in in vitro fertilization vary, depending on the age in which the woman goes in for in vitro fertilization treatment.

What are the steps by which a woman begins to experience symptoms of early pregnancy, when she undergoes in vitro fertilization? For this you have to chart the progress from the time your egg is combined with sperm in the laboratory, implanted in the uterus, and then watched. To implant in the uterus, a speculum is utilized to transfer the egg-it is inserted into the vagina to expose the cervix. Then a predetermined number of embryos suspended in fluid are gently placed through a catheter into the womb, using means of ultrasound to guide the process. While the procedure is usually painless, sometimes cramping may follow.

Ivf Pregnancy Symptoms Appear

Following the completion of this step, you take rest and wait for the usual pregnancy symptoms to appear. Implantation into the uterus and pregnancy are confirmed through means of a blood test and potentially an ultrasound.

Now, for the ivf early pregnancy symptoms. The day of collecting your egg could be the day of your ovulation, so you need to allow at least six to ten days post ovulation, for the embryos to implant. Once implanted, and when the hormones begin to build up, you will experience early pregnancy symptoms.

Even before you miss your period, you may exhibit typical pregnancy symptoms. However, most of the typical pregnancy symptoms and signs are directly related to the pregnancy hormone hCG, small amounts of which enter the blood stream several days after implantation, about 8-10 days after ovulation. Thus, you do not begin to show typical pregnancy symptoms until the hCG has reached sufficient levels which is about 1-2 weeks after you miss your period (3-4 weeks after ovulation, or 2-3 weeks after implantation), at a time when the hCG has risen in sufficient amounts. A positive pregnancy test will confirm the pregnancy.

Not only the first symptoms, but the time of their appearance may be a temperature dip on implantation day; implantation bleeding or spotting, a slight staining occurring 8-10 days after ovulation; lower abdominal cramps; an elevated body basal temperature or BBT curve for 15 days or more without a menstrual period; a missed menstrual period or amenorrhoea; a positive urine pregnancy test or HPT, which take place early as 10-14 days after ovulation/fertilization or 3-4 days after implantation. Other symptoms of early ivf pregnancy include nausea, nipple or breast tenderness, fatigue, morning sickness, food cravings, frequent urination, softening of the cervix, constipation, lower back pain, darkening of the areola or breast nipple. And then of course the news you’ve been waiting to hear-fetal heart beat on the sonogram, almost 8-9 weeks after conception. Then the thought of you having conceived by any other means except naturally will have faded from your mind. The symptoms of early ivf pregnancy are the same as the symptoms of any other pregnancy.

Alien writes for Teen pregnancy . He also writes for family health and home remedies .



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