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Top 10 Womens Exercise YouTube Videos From TopX

Top 10 Womens Exercise YouTube Videos From TopX
Top 10 Women's Exercise YouTube Videos From TopX

We’ve joined TopX to help bring you a video list of gym workouts that everyone would want to be a part of. We’ve collected some of the Best Workout Videos on Youtube for you. Watch our collection of the Top 10 Women’s Exercise YouTube Videos.

Recipe: Raspberry Salsa

Recipe: Raspberry Salsa
Recipe: Raspberry Salsa

Raspberry Salsa


1 Pink Lady or other tart-sweet apple, cored and diced
2 cups peeled jicama, diced
1/3 cup raspberry vinegar
1 medium jalapeno pepper, seeded and finely chopped
3 green onions, sliced
1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger
1 bag (12 ounces) frozen raspberries


In large bowl, toss apple and jicama with vinegar. Add all remaining ingredients and toss to blend. Serve at once or cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Recipe courtesy of NourishRDs.com


Festive, Flavorful Gifts of Raspberries’

Fresh Raspberries Delight Your Mouth with Rich Nature Flavor
Fresh Raspberries Delight Your Mouth with Rich Nature Flavor

Food is a gift from the heart. It’s one-size-fits-all, and you don’t need to fight the crowds at the mall or worry about blowing your budget.


Whether for holiday presents or hostess gifts, receiving something homemade is truly what the season is about: sharing comfort and good cheer.


For a festive twist to your delectable goodies, look no further than your freezer. Aside from their bright, joyful color, frozen red raspberries’ sweet and tart flavors make them versatile from a culinary standpoint, complementing and enhancing a wide range of ingredients. These jubilant rubies are also nutritional powerhouses, boasting the most fiber and the lowest natural sugar content compared to other berries.


These recipes are sure to warm your friends’ and family members’ hearts with the taste of the holidays. Find more recipes worth sharing this holiday season at redrazz.org.


Recipe: Raspberry Greek Yogurt Bark

Recipe: Red Raspberry Fruit Leather

Recipe: Anytime Pumpkin-Raspberry Muffins

Recipe: Raspberry Salsa


Fun, Festive, Frozen Raspberries


Not only do raspberries lend the perfect seasonal hue to homemade gifts from the kitchen, these bright red berries offer numerous nutritional and other benefits, according to Lisa Samuel, RDN, MBA of NourishRDs.com. Frozen raspberries, which are available year-round, offer:


• 80 calories per cup, with no added sugar or preservatives
• More fiber than any other berry at 9 grams per cup
• One of the lowest in natural sugar content compared to other berries
• High in vitamin C, providing 60 percent of the Recommended Daily Value per cup
• Convenience and consistent quality right out of the freezer, with no waste or spoilage
• Frozen at peak ripeness


Top 10 Essential Tips to Take This Winter For Your Safety

Keeping Sidewalks and Driveways Clear of Snow in the Winter is Critical to Safefty
Keeping Sidewalks and Driveways Clear of Snow in the Winter is Critical to Safefty

Winter is always a challenging season. This year, prepare for the inevitable with these 10 steps:


Equip yourself with the right snow removal tools, including a reliable snow blower, shovel and ice scraper. The new and innovative Snow Joe iON Hybrid Snow Blower is the perfect accessory to have this winter season because it the first to use both battery and corded electric power, giving you plenty of clearing time. It’s also ready-to-use in case of an unexpected snow fall, no gas or oil involved.

Snow Joe iON Hybrid Snow Blower
Get the right Snow Blower for the Job!

Rock salt or sand your walkways, driveways and other pathways to improve traction and melt snow and ice. Rock salt melts ice when the temperature is about 12 degrees Fahrenheit. Sand does not melt ice, but improves traction during dangerous conditions. You may consider adding both to your driveway and walkways to ensure optimal safety.


Insulate your pipes by wrapping them in insulation or newspapers and plastic. Insulate your pipes to lower your chance of dealing with the stress of having your pipes freeze later. Keep the faucets dripping water so that water is always flowing through the
pipes, rather than standing still.



Install reliable winter tires on your car. Reliable snow tires will be well worth the cost if you live in a snowy or icy environment.



Have “survival kits” in your car and at home in case of a winter emergency. Include water, blankets, a battery-powered flashlight, a battery-powered radio, emergency flares, energy bars, a pocket knife, rope, jumper cables, a lighter, rock salt and sand in the kit. For your car, look for multi-tasking items, such as the 4-in-1 illum-n-Broom, which removes snow and ice and can act as emergency blinker lights.



Clear gutters and repair roof leaks to avoid clogging from snow. Don’t put cleaning your gutters off until the weather conditions are too unbearable. It is important to clear out your gutters and repair your roof to help avoid major damage from snow and ice.


Invest in a carbon monoxide detector. Carbon monoxide-related deaths are at their peak during the winter months, so protect yourself from this harmful gas by installing carbon monoxide detectors in every sleeping area and on every level within your home.

Check your windows and doors for cracks, leaks or drafts and repair them as snow and cold weather set in. This improves efficiency within your home and keeps you warm from the cold air and wind. Install a door draft insulator to help prevent air leakage.


Check out your heating system and replace furnace filters as the temperature drops. You don’t want to realize your heater doesn’t work and that you’re without a warm living space as colder weather sets in.

Drain and turn off your sprinkler system. This may seem like a no-brainer, but many people don’t remember to complete this task. Drain and turn off your sprinkler system, as well as your hoses, to prevent freezing and other problems.


Take advantage of these useful tips during the winter months, and if snow and temperatures are already falling, make sure to take action as soon as possible.


Car Care: 5 Smart Buys to Beat Old Man Winter

Car Care: 5 Smart Buys to Beat Old Man Winter
Car Care: 5 Smart Buys to Beat Old Man Winter

Rain, ice and snow during the winter months can take a toll on your vehicle and jeopardize your safety.


Outfitting your car or truck with the proper winter equipment and tools can help ensure your vehicle operates in top condition to get you to your destination without incident.


Get a jump-start on winter with these smart buys, recommended by the experts at Michelin:


Ice scraper: In regions that see ample ice and snowfall, a sturdy scraper is a must. Options are plentiful, from basic models with a small single blade to more deluxe versions featuring extra wide ice scraping blades, built-in gloves to keep hands warm and dry, and brushes to help wipe away mounds of snow before tackling the ice layer. Handle shapes and materials vary, too, so be sure to test several options to find a comfortable fit to make the onerous chore less difficult.

A Sturdy Ice Scraper is a Must Have - Family Life Tips
In regions that see ample ice and snowfall in the winter, a sturdy scraper is a must.

Windshield wipers: Heat extremes of the summer months tend to damage wiper blades, so it’s a good idea to replace them before winter sets in. Damaged wiper blades can result in annoying noises during operation, but more importantly, they can affect your visibility in inclement weather conditions. A hybrid blade, such as the Michelin Stealth Hybrid Wiper Blade, is a good choice for winter because it combines the technology of traditional metal wiper blades and improved pressure of beam wiper blades for top performance during extreme weather. The soft rubber shell protects against damage from ice scrapers, while Smart Flex technology spreads pressure consistently across the entire blade for superior windshield contact, which translates into improved streak-free wiping and stronger visibility. Changing the rear wiper blade, if your vehicle has one, is also important for optimum visibility and safer winter driving.


Winter fluids: Make sure you always have at least half a tank of gas to avoid a frozen fuel line. Also, carry extra windshield washer fluid to ensure proper visibility and avoid diluting windshield washer fluid with water as it could freeze at low temperatures. Washer fluid with de-icer additive can help prevent ice buildup as you’re driving. In addition, a spray de-icer is a handy way to clear a heavily iced vehicle or help gain access to a frozen lock.


Winter tires/chains: If you frequently encounter snow or ice, or if the temperature consistently approaches freezing, your tires need the extra grip and turning capabilities that only winter tires can deliver. Even if you have a four-wheel-drive or an all-wheel drive, you still need winter tires to conquer the elements and stay safe. Winter tires are designed to perform better in a wide range of wintry conditions, improving your vehicle’s grip and performance and shortening your braking distances. To see which Michelin Tires are right for your vehicle and get the most out of your tires this winter season, check out Michelin’s Winter Weather Guide.


Emergency kit: In case of emergencies, you may get stuck or need to spend time in your car waiting for help. Make sure that your vehicle is equipped to handle a wide range of scenarios. Always be sure to carry a tire gauge, jack, and fully inflated spare. If you get stuck, you’ll be glad to have a shovel and gravel, salt, or a small piece of carpet for traction. Jumper cables or even a portable charger can help address battery-related problems. Maximize your safety with emergency flares and a first-aid kit. In addition, stash a small supply of non-perishable food and water, as well as warm clothes or a blanket, especially if you’ll be driving lesser-traveled roads.


Find more advice to get your vehicle ready for winter at michelinman.com/US/en/safe-driving/winter-guide.html.

Photo courtesy of Getty Images


Tatra Mountains


Aenean gravida ullamcorper porta. Ut euis eget dolor sit amet congue. Ut vira codo matis. Sed lacia luctus magna ut sodales. Proin massa quam, tincidunt id sem at, blandit viverra justo. Nullam fringilla nunc in nulla rutrum, eu mollis felis lobortis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam sed diam et lectus eleifend commodo. Cras fringilla eros id ipsum suscipit tincidunt. Aenean gravida ullamcorper porta. Pellentesque et velit dictum, porttitor arcu eu, pulvinar lectus. Vestibulum lorem urna, sollicitudin ut velit sed, faucibus dignissim ante.

Aenean ultrices lacinia dolor eu tincidunt. Mauris rhoncus nec massa vel venenatis. Aenean gravida ullamcorper porta. Pellentesque et velit dictum, porttitor arcu eu, pulvinar lectus. Vestibulum lorem urna, sollicitudin ut velit sed, faucibus dignissim ante. Maecenas vitae ornare leo, id accumsan ipsum. In luctus, felis quis dignissim pellentesque.

Ut vira codo matis. Sed lacia luctus magna ut sodales. Proin massa quam, tincidunt id sem at, blandit viverra justo. Fusce placerat consequat sodales. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus adipiscing.

Suspendisse ornare orci sed erat sollicitudin, vel ultrices turpis laoreet. Fusce placerat consequat sodales. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus adipiscing. Proin auctor pulvinar lacus, sed eleifend ante sodales et. Ut metus sem, porttitor in velit sed, luctus scelerisque urna. Morbi faucibus vel est sed condimentum. Etiam sed velit nibh. Nunc dictum cursus velit, a aliquam lacus mollis sed. Proin adipiscing fermentum convallis. Morbi porta mollis venenatis. Id egestas massa sem et elit. Vivamus semper cursus libero, sed scelerisque est venenatis et. Aliquam commodo posuere tortor id iaculis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Etiam dignissim lectus id diam varius egestas. Curabitur vel libero massa. Phasellus scelerisque est ac enim interdum pharetra. Nam tristique venenatis tortor non interdum. Donec nibh sem, fermentum non lacinia ut, rhoncus in libero. Aenean cursus pulvinar erat eget laoreet. Aliquam sit amet nisl ullamcorper libero vulputate gravida at eget risus. Nam nec libero eget felis mollis scelerisque at non felis.


Nullam at justo a erat placerat venenatis. Mauris fringilla, arcu ut tempus ullamcorper, metus risus tincidunt risus, ac fermentum mauris turpis at enim. Vivamus nisl gorneque, rutrum non viverra vel, ornare porta ipsum. Aliquam molestie sem eget ipsum dapibus congue. Cras venenatis nisi nec est faucibus consequat. Praesent dui massa, consectetur vitae varius eu, viverra dictum sem. Nullam tempus mi sit amet mauris lacinia eu sodales nisl cursus. Duis convallis dignissim nisi non mattis. Aenean tincidunt aliquet tempor. Donec nisi est, molestie ut suscipit nec, vestibulum eu urna. Etiam vehicula mauris ac dui condimentum mollis.


Aenean tincidunt aliquet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Aliquam molestie sem
  • Cras venenatis nisi nec est faucibus

Walden Explore the Power of Parks


[et_pb_section fullwidth=”off” specialty=”off” admin_label=”Section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”Row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”]

Aenean gravida ullamcorper porta. Ut euis eget dolor sit amet congue. Ut vira codo matis. Sed lacia luctus magna ut sodales. Proin massa quam, tincidunt id sem at, blandit viverra justo. Nullam fringilla nunc in nulla rutrum, eu mollis felis lobortis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam sed diam et lectus eleifend commodo. Cras fringilla eros id ipsum suscipit tincidunt. Aenean gravida ullamcorper porta. Pellentesque et velit dictum, porttitor arcu eu, pulvinar lectus. Vestibulum lorem urna, sollicitudin ut velit sed, faucibus dignissim ante.

Aenean ultrices lacinia dolor eu tincidunt. Mauris rhoncus nec massa vel venenatis. Aenean gravida ullamcorper porta. Pellentesque et velit dictum, porttitor arcu eu, pulvinar lectus. Vestibulum lorem urna, sollicitudin ut velit sed, faucibus dignissim ante. Maecenas vitae ornare leo, id accumsan ipsum. In luctus, felis quis dignissim pellentesque.

Ut vira codo matis. Sed lacia luctus magna ut sodales. Proin massa quam, tincidunt id sem at, blandit viverra justo. Fusce placerat consequat sodales. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus adipiscing.

Suspendisse ornare orci sed erat sollicitudin, vel ultrices turpis laoreet. Fusce placerat consequat sodales. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus adipiscing. Proin auctor pulvinar lacus, sed eleifend ante sodales et. Ut metus sem, porttitor in velit sed, luctus scelerisque urna. Morbi faucibus vel est sed condimentum. Etiam sed velit nibh. Nunc dictum cursus velit, a aliquam lacus mollis sed. Proin adipiscing fermentum convallis. Morbi porta mollis venenatis. Id egestas massa sem et elit. Vivamus semper cursus libero, sed scelerisque est venenatis et. Aliquam commodo posuere tortor id iaculis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Etiam dignissim lectus id diam varius egestas. Curabitur vel libero massa. Phasellus scelerisque est ac enim interdum pharetra. Nam tristique venenatis tortor non interdum. Donec nibh sem, fermentum non lacinia ut, rhoncus in libero. Aenean cursus pulvinar erat eget laoreet. Aliquam sit amet nisl ullamcorper libero vulputate gravida at eget risus. Nam nec libero eget felis mollis scelerisque at non felis.


Nullam at justo a erat placerat venenatis. Mauris fringilla, arcu ut tempus ullamcorper, metus risus tincidunt risus, ac fermentum mauris turpis at enim. Vivamus nisl gorneque, rutrum non viverra vel, ornare porta ipsum. Aliquam molestie sem eget ipsum dapibus congue. Cras venenatis nisi nec est faucibus consequat. Praesent dui massa, consectetur vitae varius eu, viverra dictum sem. Nullam tempus mi sit amet mauris lacinia eu sodales nisl cursus. Duis convallis dignissim nisi non mattis. Aenean tincidunt aliquet tempor. Donec nisi est, molestie ut suscipit nec, vestibulum eu urna. Etiam vehicula mauris ac dui condimentum mollis.


Aenean tincidunt aliquet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Aliquam molestie sem
  • Cras venenatis nisi nec est faucibus


Dogsledding in Swedish Lapland


[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”]

A enean gravida ullamcorper porta. Ut euis eget dolor sit amet congue. Ut vira codo matis. Sed lacia luctus magna ut sodales. Proin massa quam, tincidunt id sem at, blandit viverra justo. Nullam fringilla nunc in nulla rutrum, eu mollis felis lobortis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam sed diam et lectus eleifend commodo. Cras fringilla eros id ipsum suscipit tincidunt. Aenean gravida ullamcorper porta. Pellentesque et velit dictum, porttitor arcu eu, pulvinar lectus. Vestibulum lorem urna, sollicitudin ut velit sed, faucibus dignissim ante.


Aenean ultrices lacinia dolor eu tincidunt. Mauris rhoncus nec massa vel venenatis. Aenean gravida ullamcorper porta. Pellentesque et velit dictum, porttitor arcu eu, pulvinar lectus. Vestibulum lorem urna, sollicitudin ut velit sed, faucibus dignissim ante. Maecenas vitae ornare leo, id accumsan ipsum. In luctus, felis quis dignissim pellentesque.

Ut vira codo matis. Sed lacia luctus magna ut sodales. Proin massa quam, tincidunt id sem at, blandit viverra justo. Fusce placerat consequat sodales. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus adipiscing.

Suspendisse ornare orci sed erat sollicitudin, vel ultrices turpis laoreet. Fusce placerat consequat sodales. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus adipiscing. Proin auctor pulvinar lacus, sed eleifend ante sodales et. Ut metus sem, porttitor in velit sed, luctus scelerisque urna. Morbi faucibus vel est sed condimentum. Etiam sed velit nibh. Nunc dictum cursus velit, a aliquam lacus mollis sed. Proin adipiscing fermentum convallis. Morbi porta mollis venenatis. Id egestas massa sem et elit. Vivamus semper cursus libero, sed scelerisque est venenatis et. Aliquam commodo posuere tortor id iaculis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Etiam dignissim lectus id diam varius egestas. Curabitur vel libero massa. Phasellus scelerisque est ac enim interdum pharetra. Nam tristique venenatis tortor non interdum. Donec nibh sem, fermentum non lacinia ut, rhoncus in libero. Aenean cursus pulvinar erat eget laoreet. Aliquam sit amet nisl ullamcorper libero vulputate gravida at eget risus. Nam nec libero eget felis mollis scelerisque at non felis.


Nullam at justo a erat placerat venenatis. Mauris fringilla, arcu ut tempus ullamcorper, metus risus tincidunt risus, ac fermentum mauris turpis at enim. Vivamus nisl gorneque, rutrum non viverra vel, ornare porta ipsum. Aliquam molestie sem eget ipsum dapibus congue. Cras venenatis nisi nec est faucibus consequat. Praesent dui massa, consectetur vitae varius eu, viverra dictum sem. Nullam tempus mi sit amet mauris lacinia eu sodales nisl cursus. Duis convallis dignissim nisi non mattis. Aenean tincidunt aliquet tempor. Donec nisi est, molestie ut suscipit nec, vestibulum eu urna. Etiam vehicula mauris ac dui condimentum mollis.


Aenean tincidunt aliquet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Aliquam molestie sem
  • Cras venenatis nisi nec est faucibus


In Exile — Thrice


[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”]

I am in exile, a sojourner
A citizen of some other place
All I’ve seen is just a glimmer in a shadowy mirror
But I know, one day we’ll see face to face

I am a nomad, a wanderer
I have nowhere to lay my head down
There’s no point in putting roots too deep when I’m moving on
Not settling for this unsettling town

My heart is filled with songs of forever
The city that endures when all is made new
I know I don’t belong here, I’ll never
Call this place my home, I’m just passing through

I am a pilgrim, a voyager
I wont rest until my lips touch the shore
Of the land that I’ve been longing for as long as I’ve lived
Where they’ll be no pain or tears anymore

My heart is filled with songs of forever
The city that endures when all is made new
I know I don’t belong here, I’ll never
Call this place my home, I’m just passing through


Celebrating 100 Years the National Parks


Aenean gravida ullamcorper porta. Ut euis eget dolor sit amet congue. Ut vira codo matis. Sed lacia luctus magna ut sodales. Proin massa quam, tincidunt id sem at, blandit viverra justo. Nullam fringilla nunc in nulla rutrum, eu mollis felis lobortis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam sed diam et lectus eleifend commodo. Cras fringilla eros id ipsum suscipit tincidunt. Aenean gravida ullamcorper porta. Pellentesque et velit dictum, porttitor arcu eu, pulvinar lectus. Vestibulum lorem urna, sollicitudin ut velit sed, faucibus dignissim ante.

Aenean ultrices lacinia dolor eu tincidunt. Mauris rhoncus nec massa vel venenatis. Aenean gravida ullamcorper porta. Pellentesque et velit dictum, porttitor arcu eu, pulvinar lectus. Vestibulum lorem urna, sollicitudin ut velit sed, faucibus dignissim ante. Maecenas vitae ornare leo, id accumsan ipsum. In luctus, felis quis dignissim pellentesque.

Ut vira codo matis. Sed lacia luctus magna ut sodales. Proin massa quam, tincidunt id sem at, blandit viverra justo. Fusce placerat consequat sodales. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus adipiscing.

Suspendisse ornare orci sed erat sollicitudin, vel ultrices turpis laoreet. Fusce placerat consequat sodales. Suspendisse imperdiet rhoncus adipiscing. Proin auctor pulvinar lacus, sed eleifend ante sodales et. Ut metus sem, porttitor in velit sed, luctus scelerisque urna. Morbi faucibus vel est sed condimentum. Etiam sed velit nibh. Nunc dictum cursus velit, a aliquam lacus mollis sed. Proin adipiscing fermentum convallis. Morbi porta mollis venenatis. Id egestas massa sem et elit. Vivamus semper cursus libero, sed scelerisque est venenatis et. Aliquam commodo posuere tortor id iaculis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Etiam dignissim lectus id diam varius egestas. Curabitur vel libero massa. Phasellus scelerisque est ac enim interdum pharetra. Nam tristique venenatis tortor non interdum. Donec nibh sem, fermentum non lacinia ut, rhoncus in libero. Aenean cursus pulvinar erat eget laoreet. Aliquam sit amet nisl ullamcorper libero vulputate gravida at eget risus. Nam nec libero eget felis mollis scelerisque at non felis.


Nullam at justo a erat placerat venenatis. Mauris fringilla, arcu ut tempus ullamcorper, metus risus tincidunt risus, ac fermentum mauris turpis at enim. Vivamus nisl gorneque, rutrum non viverra vel, ornare porta ipsum. Aliquam molestie sem eget ipsum dapibus congue. Cras venenatis nisi nec est faucibus consequat. Praesent dui massa, consectetur vitae varius eu, viverra dictum sem. Nullam tempus mi sit amet mauris lacinia eu sodales nisl cursus. Duis convallis dignissim nisi non mattis. Aenean tincidunt aliquet tempor. Donec nisi est, molestie ut suscipit nec, vestibulum eu urna. Etiam vehicula mauris ac dui condimentum mollis.


Aenean tincidunt aliquet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Aliquam molestie sem
  • Cras venenatis nisi nec est faucibus

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